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Cosmic Swarm

The project dealt with the connection between intuition, mysticism and technology. The technological world strives to collect and analyze huge amounts of data, put everything into defined patterns and thus understand and shape the world. On the other hand, the harmony in nature works with a lot of uncertainty, forces and phenomena that are very difficult to measure and predict. Many animals have unexplained intuition, some know how to predict disasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes with the help of intuition. Part of the explanation for this intuition is the ability to sense invisible energies and forces such as electromagnetic radiation, sound waves, cosmic rays and more.
This project dealt with the visualization of data that cannot be consciously sensed.
Cosmic ray data collected at an observatory in Argentina is code-translated into a flock of "birds". The behavior of the swarm changes depending on the data of the cosmic rays.
The visitors were invited to lie on their backs and watch the behavior of the swarm which changes according to the data, the sound played also changes according to the data.

The project was presented as part of the "Data Driven Design" course in the master's degree at the Bezalel Academy of Design and Art.


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