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Haiku Objects

A conceptual project that gives a visual expression of the principles behind Japanese Haiku poetry in an Israeli cultural context. Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry,  the Haiku traditionally contains a Kigo, a word or phrase that symbolizes or implies the season of the poem, Kigo is Usually elements of nature.


The objects I created in the project represent elements of Israeli nature: trees, flowers and birds that are identified as symbols in Israeli culture have cultural, social and historical significance in the eyes of the Israeli viewer. Every object is Abstraction of each nature element and implies its cultural significance; you can use objects and combinations from objects to create your own visual haiku poem.



Israeli birds:  crow, stork, hoopoe, and swallow


Cypress tree and crow: symbolizes death and mourning.

Drimia and Swallow:  symbolize the coming of autumn and the beginning of changes


Eucalyptus tree: symbolizes the settlement and connection to the land,

​The stork who visits Israel and was ruled by Judaism as a messenger who demands the peace of the Land of Israel.

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